The effects of politics and social status ona child's participation in high-level athletics
The Youth Years
Common issues with parents in youth sports
An Athlete's Perspective
A child's main source of stress and anxiety is most often their parents due to their overbearing involvement in various activities. Quite often, parents forget to acknowledge hard work and effort, which is crucial for maintaining a positive relationship with their child.

Contributing Factors
Common reasons for parents to be uninvolved in youth sports are due to the cost, lack of gear/facilities, or work commitments. On the contrary, many parents find themselves overly involved because they hope to live through their children and potentially gain social status from their success.

Parents often have difficulty with how they should give feedback to their kids. Expressing dissapointment or critiquing a child's performance does not motivate them to improve. Any kind of controlling or pressure-driven comments will affect an athlete's mental game and the parent-child relationship.

Players often feel a great deal of pressure from their parents regarding their athletic development. As criticism worsens, it can trigger feelings of uncertainty and a lack of self-confidence. With constant pressure comes the risk of burning out and losing interest in sports. This ultimately results in children participating in youth sports solely for the purpose of pleasing their parents.